Considering an Alternative Fuel Vehicle in Cincinnati?
February 27, 2017
There is a clear and vocal demand in Cincinnati and nationally for a reduction in air pollution and our dependence on fossil fuels. This is what is driving the Ohio market for alternative fuel vehicles. There are a number of these vehicles on Cincinnati area roads today, and many more bei... More

Power Steering Service at Tuffy Auto Service Center Cincinatti in Cincinnati
February 19, 2017
Many Cincinnati drivers have been hearing about technological advances in power steering, specifically, electric power steering. Some very high-end cars have been featuring electric power steering. Power steering fluid has the necessary hydraulic properties and the ability to lubricate th... More

Timing Belt Service to Save Big Bucks in Cincinnati
February 13, 2017
Your engine is like a finely choreographed dance. All the parts have to work together. If the timing is off at the ballet, dancers crash into each other and fall down. It the timing is off in your engine, it may not run at all. One of the most intricate dances in your engine, has to do wi... More

Coolant/Antifreeze Service in Cincinnati, Ohio
February 7, 2017
Cincinnati auto owners may know that most automotive failures in Cincinnati, Ohio are tire related, but do you know the second most common cause for vehicle failure? Nope, it's not teenagers. It is the coolant system. But, if you take good care of your vehicle coolant system, it will take... More